Cancer Insurance Before Age 65

Is it Necessary?

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by Sherri Oliver

Obtaining cancer insurance before age 65 and a diagnosis could bring unforeseen peace of mind. A cancer diagnosis can have enormous ramifications … The mental stress, the family concerns and the unpredictable financial burden; along with thinking about what’s next for you and your health. It’s a lot to shoulder, but with the right cancer insurance policy all you’ll have to worry about is you and getting healthy again.

Taking Care of Aging Parents

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You’ve no doubt heard the term ‘Sandwich Generation’, an expression that describes what it’s like to take care of both your elderly parents and your own children or grandchildren. As your parents reach stages in life where they need more hands-on assistance, here are some points to...

What is a Supplemental Insurance Plan?

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Those of us have who have medical insurance have a certain peace of mind knowing that the costs involved with treating a health issue won’t result in a financial catastrophe for us or our family.However, there can be additional costs that aren’t covered under our health plan, which is one reason why supplemental insurance plans can be such a benefit for us. As the term implies, they offer insured individual the chance to take care of the many...

What to Look for in Your Medicare Policy

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The basic thing to remember about Medicare is that there are basically three parts that are divided into several options. Medicare Part A covers you as your hospitalization insurance. This is provided by the US government at no cost. Medicare Part B covers other parts of medical care like visits to the doctor, emergency room, diagnostic tests and anesthesia. However, Part B provided by the US government only covers 80% of your medical expenses. It also does not include...