Cancer Insurance Before Age 65

Is it Necessary?

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by Sherri Oliver

Obtaining cancer insurance before age 65 and a diagnosis could bring unforeseen peace of mind. A cancer diagnosis can have enormous ramifications … The mental stress, the family concerns and the unpredictable financial burden; along with thinking about what’s next for you and your health. It’s a lot to shoulder, but with the right cancer insurance policy all you’ll have to worry about is you and getting healthy again.

What is a Supplemental Insurance Plan?

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Those of us have who have medical insurance have a certain peace of mind knowing that the costs involved with treating a health issue won’t result in a financial catastrophe for us or our family.However, there can be additional costs that aren’t covered under our health plan, which is one reason why supplemental insurance plans can be such a benefit for us. As the term implies, they offer insured individual the chance to take care of the many...