Medicare is an amazing program, covering preventative costs, emergency visits, short-term care needs and more. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation in 2013, 6 in 10 Americans believe the program is working well, with 8 in 10 seniors giving it a positive review.
Despite its popularity, however, Medicare does not offer exhaustive coverage. Gaps exist in areas like traveling abroad and prescription drug coverage.
In order to rectify these short-fallings in essential health benefits, several Medicare Supplement insurance plans, or Medigap insurance, exist to help.
Below are reasons you may want to consider Medigap insurance:
If You Have Cancer
Cancer is a very difficult disease. It is especially difficult on the finances of the family. With Original Medicare, most of your inpatient and certain outpatient procedures may be covered; however, you may still experience a hefty co-payment on many necessary procedures.
Medigap insurance can help alleviate some of that burden, covering some of your co-pays and allowing you more options for the sort of medical attention you want.
If You Plan To Travel Abroad
For many seniors, retirement is the reward for a life of working and contributing to society. The so-called golden years are your chance to focus on your loved ones, see the world, pursue a passion, or generally relax. That said, if you do plan on seeing the world, it is important to know that your Medicare will not cover many medical expenses abroad.
The six standard plans that offer coverage for emergency care while traveling abroad are: Plans C, D, F, G, M, and N. These plans will ensure that you are covered in the case of an extreme emergency, but you still must plan ahead for your prescriptions.
Medicare Supplement options can go a long way to ease the burden of certain medical conditions and broaden your coverage but they are by no means the end all be all in managing health care expenses. Talk to your insurance agent to see what programs might be best for you.
Disclaimer: Neither Bankers Fidelity Life Insurance Company® nor its Medicare Supplement policies are affiliated with or endorsed by the U.S. Government, the federal Medicare program, or the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. This is a solicitation of Medicare Supplement insurance and an independent agent may call on you.
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