Is it Necessary?
by Sherri Oliver
Obtaining cancer insurance before age 65 and a diagnosis could bring unforeseen peace of mind. A cancer diagnosis can have enormous ramifications … The mental stress, the family concerns and the unpredictable financial burden; along with thinking about what’s next for you and your health. It’s a lot to shoulder, but with the right cancer insurance policy all you’ll have to worry about is you and getting healthy again.
by Sherri Oliver
What does is meant to be a wise healthcare consumer? It means implementing useful research information and tips when searching for and selecting quality healthcare insurance, providers, and services for you and your family. As you navigate the healthcare space, here are 5 ways you can become a wise healthcare consumer.
Death is an unpleasant subject, but it’s one that needs to be addressed in your lifetime to ensure the peace of mind and financial well-being of those you leave behind.
Supplemental insurance is additional insurance you can purchase to cover services and out-of-pocket expenses not covered by your primary health insurance. Supplemental insurance is not a substitute for comprehensive health insurance. It helps cover areas not provided for in your major medical health insurance. While Major Medical health insurance plans are usually broad in coverage, supplemental plans are usually specific in their area of coverage.
If you have ever wondered what the difference is between Medicare Supplement, Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage, you are not alone. Navigating the complicated world of Medicare can seem like a daunting task, but understanding the basics can help you get started.