Medicare Advantage vs. Medigap - What's the difference?

Anonym 0 1821
Besides being the textbook definition of senior citizenry, turning 65 years old comes with something that everyone is entitled to: Medicare eligibility. For nearly 50 years, seniors and people in their retirement years have been able to get much of their health expenses covered through the Medicare program. The one thing that many people often have trouble figuring out is which plan to choose - Medicare Advantage or Medicare Supplement. The following tips should give you a better idea of...

Differences in Medicare Supplement Insurance Policies

Anonym 0 7875


Similar to other types of insurance, such as life insurance or health insurance, there are many different Medicare Supplement Insurance plans. While it is often talked about as a single entity, Medicare Supplement Insurance actually consists of ten different plans. The differences can be insignificant for some, but there are...

What is a Supplemental Insurance Plan?

Anonym 0 4707

Those of us have who have medical insurance have a certain peace of mind knowing that the costs involved with treating a health issue won’t result in a financial catastrophe for us or our family.However, there can be additional costs that aren’t covered under our health plan, which is one reason why supplemental insurance plans can be such a benefit for us. As the term implies, they offer insured individual the chance to take care of the many...