Why You Should Review Your Supplemental Health Insurance Policy Annually

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Supplemental insurance is additional insurance you can purchase to cover services and out-of-pocket expenses not covered by your primary health insurance. Supplemental insurance is not a substitute for comprehensive health insurance. It helps cover areas not provided for in your major medical health insurance. While Major Medical health insurance plans are usually broad in coverage, supplemental plans are usually specific in their area of coverage. 

Signs You Might Need Medicare Supplement Insurance

Anonym 0 2767

Medicare is an amazing program, covering preventative costs, emergency visits, short-term care needs and more. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation in 2013, 6 in 10 Americans believe the program is working well, with 8 in 10 seniors giving it a positive review.

Despite its popularity, however, Medicare does not offer exhaustive coverage. Gaps exist in areas like traveling abroad and prescription drug coverage.

In order to rectify these...

Medigap Misconceptions: Setting the Record Straight

Anonym 0 7123
Understandably, seniors often have a lot of questions concerning their medical insurance options. There are so many plans to choose from that it's hard to know which will be right for you. Most seniors will find that they require a combination of a few different plans to ensure full coverage. Some folks find that Medicare Parts A, B, and D work just fine for them, but others discover that the health insurance plans they can afford still have a lot of gaps (like the infamous...