5 Ways to Be a Wise Healthcare Consumer

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by Sherri Oliver

What does is meant to be a wise healthcare consumer? It means implementing useful research information and tips when searching for and selecting quality healthcare insurance, providers, and services for you and your family. As you navigate the healthcare space, here are 5 ways you can become a wise healthcare consumer.

How to Celebrate the Holidays for a Loved One in the Hospital

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The winter holidays are a time when families and friends get together to celebrate and enjoy the season’s festivities. It can also be a very stressful time of year. The days are shorter, the weather is colder and many are feeling stressed. It can be an exceptionally lonely time of year for those in care facilities or hospitals. You’ve probably heard the saying, “there’s no place like home for the holidays,” but for some hospitalized people, being home for the holidays is not possible.

The Lowdown on Short-Term Care

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Think short-term care might not be for you? You may want to think again. Short-term care insurance can be a viable, more affordable alternative to traditional long-term care plans and can help cover expenses should you find yourself in a situation when you require care from either a nursing facility or even home health care. This coverage can be a valuable supplement to your current health insurance plan if you experience an illness or injury that prevents you from carrying out two or more of Activities of Daily Living. 

Awareness is Key to Avoiding Senior Scams

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Keep an eye on your finances, identity, and dignity by learning more about the most popular scams targeting seniors. Common scams perpetuated onto senior citizens include but are not limited to: phone, lottery, "past due", real estate, and medical scams. Learn what to watch out for and how to be proactive by reading more...